Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Getty

If you are ever in LA, I strongly recommend seeing the Getty. This museum is abolsutely gorgeous, both indoors and out. Inside people can listen to audio clips about different pieces of art, or if you are a lucky soul like myself, one of the museum workers will decide they want to teach you French and tell you all about French history attached to each piece of work. Here I learned the French pronounciation to cartoon.

The gardens in the Getty Museum are gorgeous. These gardens are hand designed down to the last flower. You can't really see it in the picture, but the waterfall goes down into a large pond where the shrubbery there twirls and twines in on itself. It is just breath taking.

Then take a walk outside to see the cactus gardens, but pay attention to the walls you walk past. You just might find a fossil in the wall! I did. The walls are scattered with little leaf and shell fossils.
Once you are up at the cactus gardens,
you can see almost all of LA. When you are there looking out, all of the buildings with terracota roofs are all part of UCLA. Let me tell you, it is a large campus but the view is just amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I visted the Getty museum when I was in LA and I agree that it is a place one shouldn't miss. Very peaceful and elegant. Next time I'm out there I'll try to get ot the Hearst Castle.

    You've done a nice job on this blog, Megan.
